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FESTOOL CSS File Information

Styles used on the Vermont Sales website related to product descriptions are referenced in the designelements.css file.

The CSS file contains stryling for each brand with a brand logo rendered and the styles for the product title.

The applicable CSS file will change regularly as required. Vermont Sales adds new products regularly to their extensive catalogue. Fresh functionality is also added regularly to the account pages.

The Caution Box

<p class="caution_box">...</p>

a statement or event that warns of something or that serves as a cautionary example.

<div class="caution_box">...</div>

Swallowing may lead to serious injury or death in as little as 2 hours due to chemical burns and potential perforation of the esophagus. Immediately see a doctor, have a doctor phone one the following Emergency Numbers (For RSA) *Poison Information Centre - 086 155 5777 - *Ambulance - 10177. Keep in original package until ready to use. Dispose of used batteries immediately. Risk of injury due to fire, explosion or leakage. Do not disassemble, charge, crush or expose to fire or high temperatures.

Definition Box

<p class="definition-products">...</p>

Swallowing may lead to serious injury or death in as little as 2 hours due to chemical burns and potential perforation of the esophagus. Immediately see a doctor, have a doctor phone one the following Emergency Numbers (For RSA) *Poison Information Centre - 086 155 5777 - *Ambulance - 10177. Keep in original package until ready to use. Dispose of used batteries immediately. Risk of injury due to fire, explosion or leakage. Do not disassemble, charge, crush or expose to fire or high temperatures.

<div class="definition-products">...</div>

Swallowing may lead to serious injury or death in as little as 2 hours due to chemical burns and potential perforation of the esophagus. Immediately see a doctor, have a doctor phone one the following Emergency Numbers (For RSA) *Poison Information Centre - 086 155 5777 - *Ambulance - 10177. Keep in original package until ready to use. Dispose of used batteries immediately. Risk of injury due to fire, explosion or leakage. Do not disassemble, charge, crush or expose to fire or high temperatures.

Box for providing TIPS

<p class="tip-products">...</p>

The definition of a tip is secret information or advice given to be helpful. An example of a tip is a chef sharing a cooking secret with someone. Tip is defined as the top or cap to something, or the end of a sharp tool. An example of a tip is the highest pointed part of an iceberg.

<div class="tip-products">...</div>

What does it mean to tip someone?

countable noun. If you give a tip to someone such as a waiter in a restaurant, you give them some money to thank them for their services.

The definition of a tip is secret information or advice given to be helpful. An example of a tip is a chef sharing a cooking secret with someone. Tip is defined as the top or cap to something, or the end of a sharp tool. An example of a tip is the highest pointed part of an iceberg.

Box for providing Important Information

<p class="info-products">...</p>

...information, knowledge, and learning mean what is or can be known. information may be used of a collection of facts gathered from many places. The book has a ...

<div class="info-products">...</div>


  1. knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news:information concerning a crime.
  2. knowledge gained through study, communication, research, instruction, etc.; factual data:His wealth of general information is amazing.
  3. the act or fact of informing.
  4. an office, station, service, or employee whose function is to provide information to the public:The ticket seller said to ask information for a timetable.
  5. Directory Assistance.
  6. Law.
    • an official criminal charge presented, usually by the prosecuting officers of the state, without the interposition of a grand jury.
    • a criminal charge, made by a public official under oath before a magistrate, of an offense punishable summarily.
    • the document containing the depositions of witnesses against one accused of a crime.

Box for Focusing Attention

<p class="attention-products">...</p> watch, listen to, or think about something or someone carefully or with interest

<div class="attention-products">...</div>

Notice, thought, or interest:

  • Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your attention, please?
  • They're organizing a campaign to draw people's attention to the environmentally harmful effects of using their cars.
  • Wait a moment and I'll give you my full/undivided attention (= I'll listen to and think about only you).
  • After an hour, my attention started to wander (= I stopped taking notice).

Box for Reading Manual Notice

<p class="readmanual-products">...</p>

Manual definition is - of, relating to, or involving the hands. How to use ... Other Words from manual Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about manual ... Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

<div class="readmanual-products">...</div>

RTFM is an initialism for the expression "read the flippen manual" - typically used to reply to a question that could have been easily answered from the product manual or documentation.

In expurgated texts, substitutions such as "read the frickn' manual", "read the factory manual", "read the flaming manual", "read the fine manual", "read the friendly manual", "read the [pause] manual" or similar variants are used.

Box for Warnings

<p class="warning-products">...</p>

A warning is something which is said or written to tell people of a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant thing that might happen.

<div class="warning-products">...</div>

1. COUNTABLE NOUN [oft NOUN that, NOUN to-infinitive]

A warning is something which is said or written to tell people of a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant thing that might happen. The minister gave a warning that if war broke out, it would be catastrophic. He was killed because he ignored a warning to put stronger cords on his parachute. The week's second severe weather warning for heavy rain was issued yesterday. [+ for]

2. VARIABLE NOUN [oft without N]

A warning is an advance notice of something that will happen, often something unpleasant or dangerous. The soldiers opened fire without warning. With no warning, he was fired from his job. At the White House, U.S. officials said they had some advance warning of the coup attempt. Synonyms: notice, notification, word, sign More Synonyms of warning


Warning actions or signs give a warning. She ignored the warning signals. Some fog warning signs had been put up with flashing yellow lights.

Box for Note the Following

<p class="note_box">...</p>

noun. a brief record of something written down to assist the memory or for future reference. notes, a record or outline of a speech, statement, testimony, etc., or of one's impressions of something. ... a brief written or printed statement giving particulars or information.

<div class="note_box">...</div>
  1. A brief record of something written down to assist the memory or for future reference.
  2. Notes, a record or outline of a speech, statement, testimony, etc., or of one's impressions of something.
  3. An explanatory or critical comment, or a reference to some authority quoted, appended to a passage in a book or the like:a note on the origin of the phrase.
  4. A brief written or printed statement giving particulars or information.

Box for sharing Knowledge

<p class="knowledge_box">...</p>

Definition paragraphs, generally speaking, don't have conclusion sentences; instead, the first sentence is the definition, and the rest of the paragraph expands on it. ... A definition paragraph is a type of paragraph used to define a term or phrase that will be used in an writing piece.

<div class="knowledge_box">...</div>
Definition of knowledge
      1. the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association
      2. acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique
      1. the fact or condition of being aware of something
      2. the range of one's information or understanding answered to the best of my knowledge

Specifications Tables

Styles applicable to tables used for specifications

Technical parameters:

<table class="SpecsTable">
<td class="SpecsSubHeading">...</td>
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<td class="SpecRight">...</td>
Description Spec
APPEARANCE Pale amber liquid
ODOUR Sweet ethereal
SOLUBILITY Insoluble in water
FLASH POINT Non-flammable
PRODUCT SIZE 400ml Aerosol